Monday, December 17, 2012

happy birthday firah!

salam and greetings!

It's 17 Dec of 2012.

And it's my sister's birthday! Her name is Nur Zafirah Zaimi.

my sis
We are 4 years apart. During our childhood i used to bully her and fought with her. I meant who didn't right? when you have so many siblings. We used to have pillow fight too.

Well it was back then. Now we are grown up. People used to tell that we look alike. They even tell that we are twins.Now we become like friends. Share our thoughts here and there. hmmm...

Now she is studying in a private college to become an optometrist. Anyway i'm wishing you all the best in your future undertaking. May Allah always bless you. Become a good muslimah. Make our mama and abah proud of you. Meet with someone who is soleh and taqwa to guide you my dear sis. In shaa Allah :)

I may not be a great sis for you all this while. But my prayer and my love will always be with you.. <3 p="p">


Thursday, December 6, 2012


AMARAN! pos kali ini di tulis bukan untuk membangga diri tetapi apa yang lahir dari hati ini.

Sejak kecil saya memang dapat merasakan yang saya agak bijak (ngeh2 macam perasan pula di sini, tapikan tadi dah bagi amaran) Saya memang mudah ingat apa yang saya baca dan dengar. Apa yang cikgu ajar di sekolah. Pada saya semua itu mudah. Kadang-kadang apabila saya lihat kawan-kawan yang kurang bijak sedikit saya rasa ape lah mereka ni. Takkan lah perkara belajar macam ni pun tak boleh nak buat. Hehe kejam kan di situ.

Setiap tahun asyik turun naik pentas ambil hadiah untuk peperiksaan akhir tahun. Saya memang agak cemerlang sepanjang zaman persekolahan. Bukan saja di sekolah kebangsaan tapi sekolah agama juga. Berjaya meraih 5A semasa UPSR. Bangganya bukan main lagi. Saya rasa macam dapat buktikan dekat seluruh dunia semasa tu yang saya ni hebat. Ada juga memohon nak masuk ke sekolah berasrama penuh tapi tak dapat panggilan.

Penyudah nye saya masuk la Sekolah Menengah Agama Rawang. uwaaaaa saya memang homesick sangat. Tak sanggup nak duduk dekat asrama macam kene seksa. Pada akhirnya saya keluar dan masuk lah ke Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Selayang. Saya teruskan pembelajaran saya dan pada usia 16 tahun (tingkatan 4) saya pun mengorak langkah ke Sekolah Menengah Sains Muar. 

Ok tak mahu bercerita panjang. Saya lulus cemerlang juga dalam peperiksaan SPM. Saya mohon biasiswa untuk ke luar negara dan ditawarkan kursus persediaan A Level di sebuah kolej swasta di Sepang. 

Point nya di sini. Pada suatu petang yang hening. Erm sebenarnya saya pun ingat-ingat lupa sudah. Semasa itu ayah saya menjemput saya pulang. Saya tak pasti pulang dari kolej atau sekolah. Saya bercerita pada ayah saya tentang kehidupan saya. Entah macam mana ayah saya memberitahu saya sesuatu yang amat bernilai yang membuat kan saya sedar.

Kata ayah saya dalam Islam di sisi Allah SWT, Allah memandang tinggi orang yang berilmu. Orang yang bijak pandai. Tetapi dalam kalangan yang bijak pandai ni, Allah akan memandang lebih tinggi orang yang bertaqwa. Jadi itu lah sebijak mana kita pun kalau tidak bertaqwa tak guna juga.

Hmmm pada masa tu saya sedar yang mungkin sebenarnya selama ni saya kejar semua kejayaan saya tu mungkin tak bersandar pada Allah. Tujuan saya bukan pada Allah. Saya mahu buktikan pada saudara mara saya, adik beradik saya, jiran tetangga saya yang saya boleh berjaya. Saya nak buat mak ayah saya bangga. Saya betulkan niat saya sejak itu.

Sebelum saya datang ke India juga, ayah saya berpesan supaya berniat belajar itu kerana Allah juga. Dapat pahala yang banyak. Bermusafir kerana Allah. Semua yang kita buat kerana Allah. Acap kali juga sebelum datang semula ke India itulah yang dipesan.

Teringat minggu lepas usrah saya. Kami bertadabbur surah An-Nisa ayat 95-104. Saya tertarik dengan ayat 104 tu. Maksud ayat itu adalah begini.

 "Dan janganlah kamu lemah (hilang semangat) dalam memburu musuh (yang menceroboh) itu; kerana kalau kamu menderita sakit (luka atau mati) maka sesungguhnya mereka pun menderita sakitnya seperti penderitaan kamu; sedang kamu mengharapkan dari Allah apa yang mereka tidak harapkan (iaitu balasan yang baik pada hari akhirat kelak). Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.

Terkesan saya dengan ayat ini. (oooh saya bukan lah ustazah untuk bercakap perihal agama ya). Jadi saya cuba jelaskan pendapat saya. Saya mengambil contoh pembelajaran. Iyalah saya kan sudah menjadi intern sekarang. Jadi tak perlu lah buka buku lagi. Kalau kita belajar itu kerana Allah. Ikhlas kerana Allah kalau sesusah macam mana pun kita akan cuba juga. Dan selepas itu bertawakal. In shaa Allah akan berjaya. Kerana kita yakin bahawa setiap usaha kita itu dinilai oleh Allah dan akan dikira pahalanya. 

Berbanding dengan rakan-rakan yang non-muslim. Apakah tujuan mereka belajar? lulus cemerlang? sekadar untuk memuaskan hati sendiri? boleh berbangga mengatakan ya akulah doktor yang paling bijak sekali? setelah tercapai segala hasrat di hati adakah hati akan bahagia? itu semua adalah keduniaan semata. Kalau kumpul duit sebanyak mana pun tidak lah dapat dibawa masuk ke kubur bersama-sama.

Seorang rakan saya (seorang non-muslim indian) yang bersama-sama posting dengan saya sering tidak mahu membuat kerja. Padanya sekadar membuang masa dan dia juga tidaklah berminat sangat untuk membuat scaling (mencuci gigi). Entah kenapa saya pula berbeza, walhal bukanlah seronok sangat pun. Iyalah sekadar menyental pelbagai jenis ragam gigi manusia. Tetapi dengan kekuatan hati yang kalau sudah diikhlaskan kerana Allah in shaa Allah saya selesaikan kesemua tugasan saya dengan sebaik mungkin. 

Alhamdulillah semua itu memberi kekuatan. Setiap pagi selepas mengunci pintu bilik saya, saya melangkah ke kolej saya. Di dalam hati saya melafazkan "Allahumma Rabbi Zidni 'Ilman Naafi'a". Entahlah tidak diingat dari mana saya menghafalnya tapi itulah doa yang sering saya bacakan setiap kali melangkah ke kolej di pagi hari. Semoga ada barakahnya, in shaa Allah.

p/s: saya bukanlah seorang ustazah mahupun ingin menjadi ustazah. sekadar berkongsi apa yang terbuku di hati. mungkin amalina saga boleh bersambung lagi selepas ini. sekian.

Monday, October 22, 2012

2 Hours Without Radiation

"2 hours without radiation" as i would quote my sir's saying, Nikhil sir. On October 17th i went to a sub center which located at Shivapur, an hour journey from my college. It's a health center which serve for a population of less than 1000.

Situated within it's own perimeter surrounding by hills area i can guarantee you wouldn't find any signals there whether aircel, vodafone, tata docomo, or even airtel! Just switch off your phone would be better. It save your battery.

At first i was surprised as the sub center was locked. I thought it's because there is no patient. But i was told it is because of the man power (which means the doctors) are not present. Government of India provides the building and private sector provides the man power. Partnership in health delivery system.

We arrived at the village around 11.15 am and the day was getting hot. But it's not stopping me from wanted to explore the place. There were me and my three colleagues, Nikhil sir, Akshata mam, chacha uncle the driver and Chanappa. We supposed to provide check up and treatment if there is any patient come.

The sub center
My three colleagues climbed down from our mobile dental van and sat in front of the sub center. There is a house in front of it which the owner has a puppy. So they played with the puppy. NIkhil sir came down too. We talked a little bit. I asked about the village. What the people do for their living etc etc. Then it blurt out from my mouth that i wanted to take a look at the place. The journey then began....

They say picture speaks thousand words. Let's take a peek at those.

A lady was drying jowar
The first thing that i saw near the house was this, jowar. Jowar is from the family of pulses. They dry it, grind and finally they made it into flour so it can be prepare to make food.

Nikhil sir with drying ground nuts
Nikhil sir showed me the place. The villagers grow crops to earn money. They grow jowar, ground nuts, corns, chillies, corriander and curry leaves, vegetables and so on. Most of them do not have car but they do have motorcyles as their mean of transportation.

This is one of the tanks that available in the village
The villagers get their supply of water from nearby river. It is tunneled into the water tanks. According to Nikhil sir it is ration around four hours per day. During that time all the villagers will line up with all their pots to replenish their water supply.

The kindergarten in the village
Inside view
Children were having their lunch
There is a school nearby the village too. As it was holiday so no one was there when we went there.

The view of the school
I found a cow shed too. This cow shed can provide shelter to 2 or 3 cows at a time. Some of them keep a larger cow shed for the oxen. The villagers keep the cows for the milk and oxen to work in the field. For Hindus they honour cows as for them the cows provide them milk and also purify the soul of the deaths. That is the reason underlying why they put the cow dungs on the walls of their houses. It is said that it helps of the latter and also to achieve nirvana.

A small cow shed
Cow dung being dried. It can also be use as biofuel to supply energy.
The way how they dry their clothes
The only road that you can find pass through the village
One of the corporation bank 
Children in front of their house
Our mobile dental van
Inside view with one dental chair available
Me and Akshata mam. She is the post graduate student.
The journey took me almost an hour to walk around the village. It was tiring but at the same time i enjoyed the knowledge i gained. It is a peaceful place with no such tension and pressure of living. People just work to earn little money for the sake of living and surviving. Male in the field while female at home doing house chores. Everyday the same routine without tired. They happy with their lives despite an erratic supply of electric and water.

The happy face of children
In the end of the day what most that makes their lives is that they feel happy, satisfied and grateful with what they have. No pressure to keep moving forward or tension of urban lifestyle. Nevertheless we as a health care provider should not abundant these people and deny their right for health care. And as for us we too need to be so much grateful with what we have in our life. There are so many things that we enjoyed still these people never get to.....

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Being An Intern

Salam and greetings :)

Alhamdulillah finally i passed my final examination. Now i'm serving as an intern at my college. Currently i'm posted in Department of Public Health Dentistry. Basically in this Dept we can do all work such as extraction, restoration, scaling, etc.

We also go to village with our mobile dental van. Here patient can come and we will do check up and after that refer them to our dept at college. Usually patient will be given concession for treatment.

The best part being an intern is that i don't have to read books anymore! hehe but it does not mean that i should shut off my book for the rest of my life... knowledge is always there for those seeking it.

What's the difference being an intern and student? One as i told before is no need to read books as there is no more exam for us. Second you got to wear a white colour name plate with the title Dr. on it. hhehehe. Nice isn't it?

 See the difference? the black name plate i used during my student years, 
now since i have become an intern i wear white colour.

I bunk one and half month before starting my internship. Reader must be thinking that i'm such a naughty doctor right? Actually for internship they are counting the days that i work. so as long as i complete the working days they will give me completion for that. And for the days that i've missed i need to compensate it later at the end of my internship.

Hmm okay i think that's enough for now. I'll be writing again soon. Till then.